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There are a wide variety of activities available to San Dimas High School Students. ASB teaches students leadership skills while they organize school wide functions, assemblies and activities. There are over 30 student clubs ranging from Interact to Karaoke. 

Music programs at SDHS include band and choir. Marching Band, Concert Band, Drumline, Color Guard and Jazz Band have all received recognition at festivals and competitions. Approximately 150 students participate in the band program. The Choir has over 100 members and consists of Chamber Singers, Women’s Ensemble and SD Chorale. Students from the Choir have been chosen to participate in regional and state level Honor Choirs. All of these groups perform extensively in the community and have toured across the United States.

The Science Department has many co-curricular activities and events for students. Many science field trips provide an opportunity to extend learning beyond the classroom walls. Physics classes attend the Knott’s Berry Farm Physics Fun Day each March. They collect data on the rides and use physics equations to solve for information regarding the rides. AP Environmental Science students are able to attend annual weekend trips to the East Mojave National Preserve, Coachella Valley Preserve, Mecca Hills Wilderness Area, and Joshua Tree National Park. Students learn about ecological and geological features of the areas. 

In addition to these field trips, students conduct hands-on learning experiences known as the Science Roadshow for elementary and middle school students in Bonita USD and local private schools. These experiences foster high interest in science and an enhanced knowledge of science principles among all participating students, including the chemistry and physics students conducting the experiences.

Students from San Dimas High also participate in numerous academic competitions. These include Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Ocean Bowl and Solar Cup. Students compete for spots on the teams and spend months preparing for the competitions. The newest team is “Mathletes,” which competed for the first time in the spring of 2014.

Art students at SDHS enter local and regional completions and showings. Each year the Wildlife Exhibit and Society of Western Arts completion show work from both the art and ceramic classrooms. Students also compete in the House of Representatives show and have placed or receive honorable mentions.